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Sisters To The Front

A professional network for women workers of Trade Unions

Sisters To THe Front

Founded in 2018, our network and events are open to all Sisters who are directly employed by a trade union, including non-binary and transgender workers of our trade union family. Sisters to the Front provides support and a safe space for us to discuss and address issues impacting on us as workers within the movement.


Women workers in trade unions have a unique and powerful voice, where if we became more organised, more connected, had training to meet our needs as women workers and as trade unionists ourselves, would be better placed to make more transformatory approaches to the advancement of women workers, whether as members or as employees in the Trade Union movement


We run regular on-line and in-person training and social events throughout the year.


We are building our online presence so do keep checking back.


In the meantime, you can keep in touch and find out about support, events and news by emailing or following us on twitter @sisters2front

Sisters to the front

Sisters to the Front: Sheffield Network Conference, February 2020

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