The Dyslexia Portrait Project explored experiences of dyslexia through photography. A year-long project during Hull's City of Culture year, dyslexic artist Kate Harr interviewed and collaborated with people with dyslexia from around the UK, to create a unique, creative photograph that reflected their own experience of dyslexia. The images were exhibited at the Brynmor Jones Library at the University of Hull in October and November 2017, which had a fantastic viewing audience total of 1,326 visitors over 41 days. The project was supported and part-funded by Artlink, as part of 'Square Peg', a socially engaged, user-led, diversity and disability arts programme, funded by Hull City of Culture 2017.
Please visit the Home Page page for a sense of the City of Culture exhibition. This page also has the playable audio aspect of the exhibition, a soundscape of the dyslexic experience gathered from interviews with participants.
Feel free to contact Kate with any queries about the project.
"I wanted to be a part of The Dyslexia Portrait, because I came from a time when no one knew what dyslexia was, and I really struggled at school. With my own determination, and working my way around it I became a successful manager. Dyslexia doesn’t have to hold you back. The most important things to focus on your strengths, whatever they are, and pursue your ambition to the highest level you possibly can."
Sam Allardyce, football manager and former professional player.
Interviewed by The Dyslexia Portrait May 2017

"Dyslexia is considered a disability, although this is true, it is sad to label something that effects 5-10% of the population, instead we must change our way of thinking and make support for this disability become common place in our education and work systems. It is vital to raise awareness of how people with dyslexia see the world, and children and students in particular will benefit immensely if more people understand how best to teach someone with dyslexia. In a way, people with dyslexia are lucky, as we get to really challenge ourselves, and learn how our brain works best. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be successful in whatever they want to do in life, and being aware how different people function and learn is key to this. For me this makes dyslexia a difficult but welcome gift in life, to open up a new way of thinking."
Anna Devin, Professional Soprano Singer, interviewed by The Dyslexia Portrait, August 2017