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The Dyslexia Portrait Workshops - confidence building and expression

As part of the project, Kate delivered a number of workshops in schools in the City of Culture, Hull. Using her own experience of dyslexia, and drawing on the project, Kate ran sessions with students which allowed them to build confidence in their own skills, and express their difficulties - and creativity - through art and photography. Kate is an experienced trainer, and has delivered workshops and courses on a variety of subjects from primary to adult age groups. Kate is PTLLS trained and fully DBS checked.

"The collaboration with Kate was very affirmative. The pupils enjoyed the workshop and the opportunity to talk about the positives and negatives of their dyslexic experiences with other dyslexic pupils in the school.". Ms A Manton, Senco, Hull Collegiate.

Sample workshop outline:

  1. Overview & Aims - Discussion of dyslexia, emphasizing 1 in 10, all experiences different. Aim is to make art that reflects their experience of dyslexia - to exhibit if required. Students are free to write, doodle and draw throughout the workshop! (assists with short-term memory issues and concentration)

  2. What is dyslexia?  - Discussion

  3. Positives & commonality

  4. Aspiration activity (confidence building and long term-vision)

  5. What is art? Introduction to conceptual art vs figurative

  6. Dyslexia representation in art, writing, photography & poetry. Discussion

  7. Activity: Make something that shows your experience of your own dyslexia - various mediums can be offered (motor skill differentiation)

  8. Students can talk about their work – if they want to (no pressure)

  9. Exhibition planning - involvement from students (project planning and managing skills, confidence building)
Workshop at Hull Collegiate
Workshop at Hull Collegiate
Hull Collegiate Workshop
Hull Collegiate Workshop
Modelling in clay

Click on image for more information. Where indicated, photo credit: Jerome Whittingham @Photomoments for Square Peg at Artlink

© 2018 by Kate Harr. Miranda Kate Photography as 'The Dyslexia Portrait'.

 All images available as teaching and learning resources upon request No unauthorised use permitted. The Dyslexia Portrait is supported by:

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